Crespine Gel Osteoarthritis Therapy

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A single treatment with an injection of 2 ml Crespine Gel is often sufficient for lasting pain relief from osteoarthritis complaints.

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Crespine Gel Pain Treatment for OA Complaints
A good innovation has a long-lasting effect! Crespine Gel is a very stable, visco-elastic gel implant for the treatment of osteoarthritis in e.g., the knee and hip. It is a medical device, produced by BioPolymer in Germany, in a unique and pharmaceutical process. A single treatment with an injection of 2 ml Crespine Gel is often sufficient for lasting pain relief for osteoarthritis complaints, with an effective duration of 9 to 12 months. It provides lubrication and shock absorption in the affected joint.

Crespine Gel is produced in a process of ‘double cross-linking’. This results in a gel with a three-dimensional network structure, built of numerous bonds, with an ultrahigh molecular mass. The implant is very resistant to breakdown and it is especially easy to inject.

In many cases, osteoarthritis manifests itself through two symptoms: pain in the joint and stiffness. A treatment with Crespine Gel is aimed at both of these symptoms. Patients experience a very welcome, long-lasting pain relief and an almost complete reduction in stiffness.

Crespine Gel and Crespine Gel+
As well as the standard 2 ml Crespine Gel injections, we also supply a 2 ml variant with the addition of local anaesthetic prilocaine: Crespine Gel+ (Plus).

Some features of the Crespine Gels at a glance:

  • In a large proportion of patients, the gel implant is still effective after 9 to 12 months.
  • They experience a pain reduction of up to 74%.
  • In addition, they assess the stiffness in the joint with a reduction of up to 90%.
  • By adding the local anaesthetic prilocaine, Crespine Gel+ has an immediate pain-relieving effect.
  • Crespine is easy to inject due to the specific properties of the gel.
  • One injection of 2 ml is usually sufficient for a complete treatment.
  • Crespine Gel is a medical device, produced in a unique and patented pharmaceutical process and it meets strict CE quality requirements.